Constitutional Resources
Election Resources
American History Documents

History Notes
Propaganda Speeches
Historical Microcosm
European History
Advanced Placement Macroeconomics
Advanced Placement Government and Politics

Source Evaluation Documents and
Placement Human Geography
American History Documents
- Some of the Reasons Against Women's Suffrage
- President Grover Cleveland Upholds the Dignity of Labor
- The Brandeis Brief States the Case for Protective Legislation
- The Girls Bill [eight hour day]
- The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire [Interviews with Survivors]
- The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire [City Report]
- Women who do not work
- Jane Addams on the need for Reform
- Adkins v. Children's Hospital/, [Supreme court]
- Muller v. Oregon, [Supreme Court]
- Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
- How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis
- Socialist Platform for the 1908 Presidential Election
- Candidate Teddy Roosevelt Campaigns for a Square Deal
- Prohibition and Personal Liberty
- The Seneca Falls Declaration, Elizabeth Cady Stanton [1848]
- The Status of Women, Past, Present, and Future, Susan B. Anthony
- Why Women Should Vote, Jane Addams
- Why Women Should Not Vote
- Emily Dickerson
- On Women Smokers, W.E.B.
- NOW Platform of 1966
- Fred. Douglass Argue the Case for Enfranchisement
- Civil Rights Act 1866
- Black Codes of Mississippi
- The Atlanta Compromise
- Black feminist Activist critiques B. T. Washington
- The Ms-Education of the Negro
- W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk
- W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Niagara Movement"
- Black Activist on Tuskegee
- Dissenting Opinion: Plessy v. Ferguson
- World War I Stimulates Black Activism
- Senator Norris Opposes Involvement in World War I
- W. J. Bryan on Lusitania
- The Zimmermann Telegram
- The Sussex Pledge
- A Question of War with Germany
- Wilson's War Message
- Four Minute men
- The Espionage Act
- Schenck v. United States, Justice O. W. Holmes
- Critique of the War by Eugene Debs
- Majority Opinion: Debs. v. United States
- Wilson’s Fourteen Points
- Against the League of Nations
- Henry Cabot Lodge on The League Nations proposal
- Herbert Hoover to Woodrow Wilson on Compromise
- Woodrow Wilson defends the League
- Woodrow Wilson Appeals to the Nation on the League
- John Maynard Keynes Economic Consequences of the Peace
- W.E.B. Du Bois on the League and Politics
- Jane Addams on the League
- Will Rogers on Calvin Coolidge
- Langston Hughes, The Big Sea
- Langston Hughes The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain
- The Klan's Fight for Americanism
- Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt
- H. L. Mencken on Calvin Coolidge
- Aimee McPherson Rises from the Sea
- The Biggest Thing That Lindbergh Has Done
- Rebuttal of Keynesian Economics
- Schechter v. United States
- New Deal Record on Race
- Sharecropping: The Ills of the South
- Neutrality Act 1937
- Neutrality Act 1939
- Japanese Quarantine Speech

Historical Documents/Resources
Debate over the Pledge to The Flag
Placement Modern European

CIE Teacher Support
International Exams
Advanced Placement U.S. History

American History Documents