Chicago Riots [City Report]


This excerpt is from a report on the clash compiled by the office of the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago.


I N J U R I E S  S U S T A I N E D  D U R I N G  C O N V E N T I O N W E E K


From the following information which relates to injuries which were sustained during the confrontations encountered during Convention Week in Chicago, it is interesting to note the large number of police officers who sustained injuries. The Police Department is presently investigating all complaints of excessive force which were lodged with the Department by newsmen and civilians who were injured during this week.


P O L I C E  O F F I C E R S


During the disturbances involving confrontations with dissidents, 198 Chicago Police Officers were injured—some seriously. National Guard personnel also suffered injuries during their tour of duty between August 25 and August 30. Many law enforcement officers received medical treatment for

human bites, kicks in the groin, as well as from the weapons used and objects thrown by the dissidents. Others were injured, but saved from serious injury from bricks and sharp objects thrown at them only by their wearing of protective riot helmets.


A R R E S T E D  P E R S O N S


There were 641 arrested during the disorders of the week of the Democratic National Convention. Of these, only 280 were under the age of 21. Only 208 were students. At the most, 175 were residents of the City of Chicago. The conclusion is inescapable: An overwhelming majority of the persons arrested were not youngsters, were not students and were not Chicagoans. They were adult trouble makers who came into the City of Chicago for the avowed purpose of a hostile confrontation with law enforcement. . . .


P U B L I C  R E A C T I O N S


Unfortunately it appears that the news media generally attributed malice to the authorities while presuming good will and sincerity on the part of the protesters. This is all the more inexplicable when it is recalled that it has largely been through the news media that the intentions and exploits of the dissidents have been documented over the preceding nine months. The local news media are beginning to show some aspects of what has come to be called “The Other Side”  but ugly and distasteful scenes have been reported all over the nation and the world without sufficient explanation to allow the reports to be placed in perspective. Citizens of the city have manifested overwhelming support of the civil authorities in letters and calls to City Hall. As of September 4, the letters and wires opened and read indicate that 41,185 persons support the Mayor and the Chicago Police Department while 4,290 did not approve their action. The mail is arriving at the rate of approximately 6,000 to 8,000 letters per day. . . .