Source: Contract of Indenture,
That the said Robert does hereby
covenant [pledge] faithfully to serve the said Sir William, Richard, George,
and John for three years from the day of his landing in the land of Virginia,
there to be employed in the lawful and reasonable works and labors of them and
to be obedient to such governors as they shall from time to time appoint and
set over him. In consideration whereof, the said Sir William, Richard, George,
and John do covenant with the said Robert to transport him (with God's
assistance) with all convenient speed into the said land of Virginia at their
expense, and there to maintain him with convenient diet and apparel suitable
for such a servant; and in the end of the said term to make him a free man of
the said country, thereby to enjoy all the liberties, freedoms, and privileges
of a freeman there; and to grant to the said Robert thirty acres of land within
their territory.