September 12, 1864.
SHERMAN, commanding Military Division of the Mississippi.
GENERAL: I have the
honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th inst., with its inclosure in reference to the women, children, and others, whom
you have thought proper to expel from their homes in the city of Atlanta.
You order into exile
the whole population of a city; drive men, women, and children from their homes
at the point of the bayonet, under the plea that it is to the interest of your
Government, and on the claim that it is an act of “kindness to these families
of Atlanta.” Butler only banished from New Orleans the registered enemies of
his Government, and acknowledged that he did it as a punishment. You issue a
sweeping edict, covering all the inhabitants of a city, and add insult to the
injury heaped upon the defenseless by assuming that you have done them a
kindness. This you follow by the assertion that you will “make as much
sacrifice for the peace and honor of the South as the best-born Southerner.”
And, because I characterize what you call a kindness as being real cruelty, you
presume to sit in judgment between me and my God; and you decide that my
earnest prayer to the Almighty Father to save our women and children from what
you call kindness, is a “sacrilegious, hypocritical appeal.” You came into our
country with your army, avowedly for the purpose of subjugating free white men,
women, and children, and not only intend to rule over them, but you make
negroes your allies, and desire to place over us an inferior race, which we
have raised from barbarism to its present position, which is the highest ever
attained by that race, in any country, in all time. I must, therefore, decline
to accept your statements in reference to your kindness toward the people of
Atlanta, and your willingness to sacrifice every thing
for the peace and honor of the South, and refuse to be governed by your
decision in regard to matters between myself, my country, and my God.
You say, “Let us
fight it out like men.” To this my reply is—for myself, and I believe for all
the true men, ay, and women and children, in my country—we will fight you to
the death! Better die a thousand deaths than submit to live under you or your
Government and your negro allies!
Having answered the
points forced upon me by your letter of the 9th of September, I close this
correspondence with you; and, notwithstanding your comments upon my appeal to
God in the cause of humanity, I again humbly and
reverently invoke his almighty aid in defense of justice and right.
Respectfully, your
obedient servant,
J. B. HOOD, General.