Gilded Age and
Progressive Period comparison, and possible essay sub-topics, chart.
The Gilded Age |
The Progressives |
Social Darwinists |
The Social Gospel |
rugged individualists |
social responsibility |
immigrant ghettos |
urban reform |
indulgences |
temperance/prohibition |
settlement houses |
public schools |
capitalism |
intervention |
tariff |
reform/reduction |
natural law of
competition |
government regulation |
combinations |
trust-busting |
exploitation of environment |
conservation |
child labor |
restrictions |
strike breaking |
collective bargaining |
(un) skilled labor |
technicians |
self-made men |
professionals |
Yankee ingenuity |
experts |
party machine |
democratic reforms |
ward captains/bosses |
civil servants |
patronage |
merit system |
expansionists |
isolationists |
Jingoists/imperialists |
anti-imperialists |
yellow journalists |
muckrakers |
congressional rule |
strong presidents |
The Progressives